Theme Styles

Theme Styles
Primary Color

How to Change Primary Color?

Please follow the below steps to change Primary Color
Step 1 :

To change Primary Color you have to open _variables.scss file and replace what color you want as shown in below

Rootpath : _variables.scss (src/assets/scss/_variables.scss )

--primary-rgb:	98, 89, 202;
Dark Theme Style

If you want to change Dark Theme color you need to follow the below process.

How to Change Dark body Color?

Please follow the below steps to change Dark body Color
Step 1 :

Make sure the theme is set completely to dark mode by adding the following attributes to the html tag data-theme-mode="dark" data-header-styles="dark" data-menu-styles="dark"

Step 2 :

To change Dark body Color you have to open _variables.scss file and replace what color you want as shown in below

Rootpath : _variables.scss (src/assets/scss/_variables.scss )

[data-theme-mode=dark] {--body-bg-rgb:	14, 14, 35;}
Step 3 :

Also Change the following variable colors to the desired theme background accordingly in [data-theme-mode="dark"]

--light-rgb :
--form-control-bg :
--input-border :