Firebase Authentication Guide

Firebase SetUp

step-1: Now run below commands inside our angular 19 project to install firebase.

npm install firebase @angular/fire --save
step-2: Now we need to add firebase configuration details(create database on firebase) and we need to add that details in angular_project/src/environments/environment.ts file:

   export const environment = {
        production: false,
        firebaseConfig : {
          apiKey: "***",
          authDomain: "***",
          databaseURL: "***",
          projectId: "***",
          storageBucket: "***",
          messagingSenderId: "***",
          appId: "***",
          measurementId: "***"

And also include them in angular_project/src/environments/environment-prod.ts file:

export const environment = {
    production: true,
    firebaseConfig : {
        apiKey: "***",
        authDomain: "***",
        databaseURL: "***",
        projectId: "***",
        storageBucket: "***",
        messagingSenderId: "***",
        appId: "***",
        measurementId: "***"
step-3: . Now we nee to add or replace below code into ourangular_project/src/app/app.module.tsfile:

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';
import { AngularFireModule } from '@angular/fire/compat';
import { AngularFirestoreModule } from '@angular/fire/compat/firestore';
import { AngularFireAuthModule } from '@angular/fire/compat/auth';

BrowserAnimationsModule, // required animations module
  • Process to remove firebase :
  • To remove firebase from the project make sure that you have to remove the auth.service.ts file in src/app/shared/auth. In login.component.ts replace login function with login(){ if (this.loginForm.controls['email'].value === "" && this.loginForm.controls['password'].value === "spruko") { this.router.navigate(['/dashboard']); } } or else you can use any other authentication as per your requirement. And make sure to remove canActivate: [AdminGuard] from app-routing.module.ts. Remove the firebase-related content in app.module.ts, environment. Note: make sure to remove all AuthService from the project which can be found in the switcher, header, authentication, ect..