Folder Structure

Folder Structure
						├── app
						├── |-- authentication
						├── |-- components
						|   |-- |-- advancedui
						|   |-- |-- apps
						|   |-- |-- authentication
						|   |-- |-- charts
						|   |-- |-- crypto-currencies
						|   |-- |-- dashboard
						|   |-- |-- ecommerce
						|   |-- |-- elements
						|   |-- |-- forms
						|   |-- |-- landingpage
						|   |-- |-- pages
						|   |-- |-- util
						├── |-- materialModule
						├── |-- shared
						├── |-- |-- components
						|   |-- |-- data
						|   |-- |-- directives
						|   |-- |-- layouts
						|   |-- |-- prismData
						|   |-- |-- routes
						|   |-- |-- services
						|   |-- |-- validations
						|   |-- |-- shared.module
						├── |-- app.component.html
						├── |-- app.component.scss
						├── |-- app.component.ts
						├── |-- app.config.ts
						├── |-- app.routes.ts
						├── assets
						├── |-- css
						├── |-- iconfonts
						|   |-- |-- bootstrapicons
						|   |-- |-- box-icons
						|   |-- |-- crypto-font
						|   |-- |-- feather
						|   |-- |-- flag-icon-css
						|   |-- |-- fontawesome-free
						|   |-- |-- ionicons
						|   |-- |-- line-awesome
						|   |-- |-- materialdesignicons
						|   |-- |-- pe7-icons
						|   |-- |-- RemixIcons
						|   |-- |-- simple-line-icons
						|   |-- |-- tabler-icons
						|   |-- |-- themify
						|   |-- |-- typicons.font
						|   |-- |-- weather-icons-master
						├── |-- images
						├── |-- landing
						├── |-- libs
						├── |-- scss
						|   |-- |-- bootstrap
						|   |-- |-- custom
						|   |-- |-- global
						|   |-- |-- menu-styles
						|   |-- |-- pages
						|   |-- |-- Util
						|   |-- |-- _bootstrap.scss
						|   |-- |-- _switcher.scss
						|   |-- |-- _variables.scss
						|   |-- |-- icons.scss
						|   |-- |-- styles.scss
						├── |-- video
Folders Description
  • Spruha – Premium Angular Admin Template / : Root template folder contain all angular, Ts, css, scss, images and other files.
    • assets/ : Folder contain all the Spruha Template assets which has css, scss, and images.
      • icon-fonts/: Folder contain all types of icons which is used in this template.
      • images/ : Template images.
      • scss/ : Folder contain all pages scss files and all plugins scss files also included.
    • html : All HTML Pages.
  • esbuild.config.js : esbuild.config js file.
  • package.json : package json file.
How to remove SCSS Format.

Note: If you want to use only CSS format then you should follow below process.

Step-1: Remove complete scss folder. Root path: (../assets/scss)

Step-2: Remove .scss and extension related files in css folder. Root path: (../assets/css/*.scss) and (../assets/css/*

Step-3: Remove "esbuild.config.js", "package.json", "package-lock.json" files.