Esbuild Related

How to use project without Scss & Esbuild ?

If you don't want to use scss files, if you want to use only css files please follow below steps.
Step 1 :

Install the SASS package using npm by running the following command:

npm install sass
Step 2 :
  • 1. Open your project's package.json file. If you don't have one, you can create it by running npm init and following the prompts.

  • 2. Inside the package.json file, locate the "scripts" section. If it doesn't exist, create one:

    "scripts": { // ...existing scripts... }

  • 3. Add a script that specifies the compilation process from SCSS to CSS. You can name the script as you prefer, but for this example, we'll name it "sass." The script should look like this:

    "scripts": { "sass": "sass ./public/assets/scss:./public/assets/css/" }

    In the script above, replace ./public/assets/scss with the path to your SCSS files and ./public/assets/css with the destination directory for your compiled CSS files.

  • 4. Add a script that specifies the compilation compressed process from SCSS to CSS. You can name the script as you prefer, but for this example, we'll name it "sass-min." The script should look like this:

    "scripts": { "sass-min": "sass ./public/assets/scss:./public/assets/css/ --style compressed" }

    In the script above, replace ./public/assets/scss with the path to your SCSS files and ./public/assets/css with the destination directory for your compiled CSS files.

  • 5. Save the package.json file.

How to use Scss to css compilation Process?

Compiling SCSS to CSS :

With the SASS package and script configured, you can now compile your SCSS files to CSS with the following steps:

  • 1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  • 2. Navigate to your project's root directory if you're not already there.

  • 3. Execute the following command to run the "sass" script:

    npm run sass

    This command will initiate the SCSS to CSS compilation process using the SASS package.

  • 4. Execute the following command to run the "sass-min" script:

    npm run sass-min

    This command will initiate the SCSS to CSS compilation compressed process using the SASS package.

  • 5. Once the process is complete, the compiled CSS files will be generated in the specified destination directory (e.g., ./public/assets/css).

General Style

How to Change Font Style ?

Step 1:

Go To style.scss (src/assets/scss/styles.scss )

if you want to change another font-family Go to the site Google Fonts And Select One font Family and import in to styles.scss file

How to Select font Family


Step 2:

And paste Your Selected font-family in style.scss


Step 3:

And add the Your Selected font-family in _variables.scss(src/assets/scss/_variables.scss)


--default-font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

How to change Menu icons ?

By default menu icons are Boxicons if you want to change icons please follow below steps
Step 1 :

To change Menu icons, open sidebar.html page Path:src\app\shared\services\navservice.ts and go through app-sidebar section, in that section you will find Boxicons of menu in i tag, there you can replace previous icon with your icon. Example as shown in below


How to Change Logo ?

Go To "src/assets/images/brand-logos" folder and replace your logo with Previous Logos within in image size. note: Please don't increase logo sizes. Replace your logo within given image size. otherwise the logo will not fit in particular place it srcurbs the template design.

To clear LocalStorage(cookie)

How to clear LocalStorage (cookie)?

Disabling Switcher

How To Disable Switcher In All Pages ?


Open header.component.html file src\app\shared\componets\header\header.component.html

To remove switcher icons remove below code shown in header.component.html file

<!-- Start::header-element -->
	<div class="header-element">
		<!-- Start::header-link|switcher-icon -->
			<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="header-link switcher-icon" data-bs-toggle="offcanvas" data-bs-target="#switcher-canvas" (click)="SwicherOpen()">
				<i class="fe fe-settings header-link-icon"> </i>
		<!-- End::header-link|switcher-icon -->
<!-- End::header-element -->


After removing code in header.component.html page remove switcher.component.html partial link shown below in every html page


  //primary theme change 
  public dynamicLightPrimary(data: any): void {
    this.color1 = data.color;

    const dynamicPrimaryLight = document.querySelectorAll(

    switcher.dynamicLightPrimaryColor(dynamicPrimaryLight, this.color1);

    localStorage.setItem('spruhalight-primary-color', this.color1);
    localStorage.setItem('spruhalight-primary-hover', this.color1);
    localStorage.setItem('spruhalight-primary-border', this.color1);
    localStorage.setItem('spruhalight-mode', 'true');

    // Adding

    // Removing

    // removing data from session storage

  reset() {
    const html: any = document.querySelector('html');
    html.style = '';
    html.setAttribute('class', 'light');
    html.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr');
    html.setAttribute('data-nav-layout', 'vertical');
    html.removeAttribute('data-page-style', 'regular');
    html.removeAttribute('data-width', 'full-width');
    html.removeAttribute('data-menu-position', 'fixed');
    html.removeAttribute('data-header-position', 'fixed');
    html.setAttribute('data-header-styles', 'light');
    html.setAttribute('data-menu-styles', 'dark');
    html.removeAttribute('bg-img', 'dark');
    html.setAttribute('data-vertical-style', 'overlay');
    html.removeAttribute('toggled', 'overlay');

    const overlay = document.getElementById(
    ) as HTMLInputElement;
    overlay.checked = true;
    const menuclickclosed = document.getElementById(
    ) as HTMLInputElement;
    menuclickclosed.checked = false;
    const menuhoverclosed = document.getElementById(
    ) as HTMLInputElement;
    menuhoverclosed.checked = false;
    const iconclickclosed = document.getElementById(
    ) as HTMLInputElement;
    iconclickclosed.checked = false;
    const iconhoverclosed = document.getElementById(
    ) as HTMLInputElement;
    iconhoverclosed.checked = false;

  public localDark = localStorage;
  public localRtl = localStorage;
  public localHorizontal = localStorage;
  public localMenu = localStorage;
  public localClassic = localStorage;
  public localBoxed = localStorage;
  public localScrollable = localStorage;
  public localFixed = localStorage;
  public localOverlay = localStorage;

  ngOnInit(): void {

How To Remove Switcher In Landing Page ?


Remove below shown code in head part of the landing.html file Path:src\app\components\page\landing\landing.component.html

														<button (click)="toggleSwitcher()"
														class="btn btn-icon btn-primary"
														<i class="fe fe-settings align-middle">