Switcher Styles

Theme Styles :
If you'd like to make changes to the switcher, please add them to (Root:src/app/shared/services/app-state.service.ts)
         export class AppStateService {
             private readonly localStorageKey = 'dashlot-ng'; // Customize this key
             private initialState: StateType = {
                         theme: '',                   // light, dark
                         direction: '',               // ltr, rtl
                         navigationStyles: '',        // vertical, horizontal
                         menuStyles: '',              // menu-click, menu-hover, icon-click, icon-hover
                         layoutStyles: '',            // double-menu, detached, icon-overlay, icontext-menu, closed-menu, default-menu
                         pageStyles: '',              // regular, classic, modern
                         widthStyles: '',             // fullwidth, boxed
                         menuPosition: '',            // fixed, scrollable
                         headerPosition: '',          // fixed, scrollable
                         menuColor: '',               // light, dark, color, gradient, transparent
                         headerColor: '',             // light, dark, color, gradient, transparent
                         themePrimary: '',            // '58, 88, 146', '92, 144, 163', '161, 90, 223', '78, 172, 76', '223, 90, 90'
                         themeBackground: '',
                         backgroundImage: '',         // bgimg1, bgimg2, bgimg3, bgimg4, bgimg5
             }    // Store initial state
Attribute Description
class="light" data-header-styles="light" data-menu-styles="light" To set the light theme
class="dark" data-header-styles="dark" data-menu-styles="dark" To set the Dark theme
dir="ltr" To set LTR version default
dir="rtl" To set LTR version to RTL version
data-nav-layout="vertical" To set menu layout to vertical
data-nav-layout="horizontal" data-nav-style="menu-click" To set menu layout to horizontal
data-nav-style="menu-click" To set navigation style to menu click - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-nav-style="menu-hover" To set navigation style to menu hover - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-nav-style="icon-click" To set navigation style to icon click - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-nav-style="icon-hover" To set navigation style to icon hover - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-page-style="regular" To set page style to Default
data-page-style="classic" To set page style to Classic
data-page-style="modern" To set page style to modern
data-width="fullwidth" To set page width to Full Width
data-width="boxed" To set page width to Boxed
data-menu-position="fixed" To set menu position Fixed
data-menu-position="scrollable" To set menu position Scrollable
data-header-position="fixed" To set header position Fixed
data-header-position="scrollable" To set header position Scrollable
data-vertical-style="closed" To set sidemenu layout style Closed - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="icontext" To set sidemenu layout style Icon Text - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="overlay" To set sidemenu layout style Icon Overlay - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="detached" To set sidemenu layout style Detached - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="doublemenu" To set sidemenu layout style Double Menu - *Does not work for horizontal
loader="enable" To enable loader by default
Theme Colors :
Attribute Description
data-menu-styles="light" To set the menu style to light
data-menu-styles="dark" To set the menu style to dark
data-menu-styles="color" To set the menu style to color
data-menu-styles="gradient" To set the menu style to gradient
data-menu-styles="transparent" To set the menu style to transparent
data-header-styles="light" To set the header style to light
data-header-styles="dark" To set the header style to dark
data-header-styles="color" To set the header style to color
data-header-styles="gradient" To set the header style to gradient
data-header-styles="transparent" To set the header style to transparent
data-bg-img="bgimg1" To set menu background image1
data-bg-img="bgimg2" To set menu background image2
data-bg-img="bgimg3" To set menu background image3
data-bg-img="bgimg4" To set menu background image4
data-bg-img="bgimg5" To set menu background image5