Firebase Authentication Guide

Firebase SetUp

step-1: Now run below commands inside our angular 19 project to install firebase.

        npm install firebase @angular/fire --save
step-2: Now we need to add firebase configuration details(create database on firebase) and we need to add that details in angular_project/src/environments/environment.ts file:
           export const environment = {
                production: false,
                firebaseConfig : {
                  apiKey: "***",
                  authDomain: "***",
                  databaseURL: "***",
                  projectId: "***",
                  storageBucket: "***",
                  messagingSenderId: "***",
                  appId: "***",
                  measurementId: "***"

And also include them in angular_project/src/environments/environment-prod.ts file:
        export const environment = {
            production: true,
            firebaseConfig : {
                apiKey: "***",
                authDomain: "***",
                databaseURL: "***",
                projectId: "***",
                storageBucket: "***",
                messagingSenderId: "***",
                appId: "***",
                measurementId: "***"
step-3: . Now we nee to add or replace below code into ourangular_project\src\app\app.config.tsfile:
        import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
        import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';
        import { AngularFireModule } from '@angular/fire/compat';
        import { AngularFirestoreModule } from '@angular/fire/compat/firestore';
        import { AngularFireAuthModule } from '@angular/fire/compat/auth';
        BrowserAnimationsModule, // required animations module
  • Process to remove firebase :
  • To remove firebase from the project make sure that you have to remove the auth.service.ts file in src/app/shared/auth. In login.component.ts replace login function with
     login() {
          if (this.loginForm.controls['email'].value === "" && this.loginForm.controls['password'].value === "spruko"){
    or else you can use any other authentication as per your requirement. And make sure to remove can Activate: [AdminGuard] from app-routing.module.ts. Remove the firebase-related content in app.module.ts, environment. Note: make sure to remove all AuthService from the project which can be found in the switcher, header, authentication, ect..
    Firebase Revocation process

    To remove firebase from the project make sure that you have to remove the firebase tabe from the (src/apps/authentication/login.component.html). change the key variable to 'angular' Example : const [key, setKey] = useState('next.js') in the root:(src/apps/authentication/login.component.html).