Folder Structure

							Folder Structure/
							├── public
							|   ├── assets/
							├── |-- |-- audio
							├── |-- |-- css/
							|   |-- |-- ├── custom/
							|   |-- |-- ├── style.css
							|   |-- |-- ├──
							|   |-- |-- ├── icons.css
							|   |-- |-- ├──
							├── |-- |-- icon-fonts/
							├── |-- |-- images/
							├── |-- |-- scss/
							|   |-- |-- ├── bootstrap/
							|   |-- |-- ├── custom/
							|   |-- |-- ├── menu-styles/
							|   |-- |-- ├── pages/
							|   |-- |-- ├── util/
							|   |-- |-- ├── switcher.scss
							|   |-- |-- ├── bootstrap.scss
							|   |-- |-- ├── _variables.scss
							|   |-- |-- ├── icons.scss
							|   |-- |-- ├── styles.scss
							├── src
							|   ├── app/
							|   |   ├── @spk
							|   |   ├── authentication
							|   |   ├── components
							|   |   ├── material-module
							|   |   ├── shared
							|   |   ├── app.component.html
							|   |   ├── app.component.scss
							|   |   ├── app.component.ts
							|   |   ├──  app.config.ts
							|   |   ├──  app.routes.ts
							├── |-- environments/
							|   |   ├──
							|   |   └── environment.ts
							|   ├── .htaccess
							|   ├── index.html
							|   ├── main.ts
							|   ├── styles.css
							├── .editorconfig
							├── .gitignore
							├── angular.json
							├── package-lock.json
							├── package.json
							├── tsconfig.json
							└── tsconfig.spec.json
Folders Description
  • Dashlot - Angular Admin Dashboard Template / : Root template folder contain all angular, ts, css, scss, images and other files.
    • assets/ : Folder contain all the Dashlot Template assets which has css, scss, and images.
      • css/: Folder contain assets which has complete styles.
        • styles.css : Main style sheet for template
      • iconfonts/: Folder contain all types of icons which is used in this template.
      • images/ : Template images.
      • scss/ : Folder contain all pages scss files and all plugins scss files also included.
      • Video/ : Folder contains video used in this template.
    • Environments/ : Folder contain all the Dashlot Template Environments which has Firebase Authentications.
    • favicon.png/ : The favicon.png file in Angular is used as the application's icon displayed in the browser tab or bookmark bar..
    • index.html : The index.html file in Angular is the main entry point that loads the necessary scripts and stylesheets, renders the application, and handles dynamic content..
    • main.ts : The main.ts file in Angular is responsible for bootstrapping the application and initializing the root module.
    • styles.scss : Folder contain all the Dashlot Template styles which has manage global styles for your application, including CSS rules, variables, mixins, and imports.
  • package.json : package json file.